Friday, August 20, 2010

Calvin's Birthday

I know it's three months later, but as we always say in the Owens' Home:  "Better late than never!"

the happy family before the arrival of #6

getting the news that the induction was a "go"
our "team" ready for action: Cherise, Miles, Lindsay
The team just about to get more action than they ever dreamed was possible.
I love how he loves our babies, even though he pretends not to be that in to them.

Everyone adoring.
Who can resist a newborn face?
"Getting to know you..."

So, that's the story, in pictures, of the day he was born.  We feel so blessed that Our Father in Heaven sent another precious little spirit down to us.  It is such a privilege to have someone "so fresh from God" be in our home.


Lew said...

I LOVE these!!! Such beautiful pictures, Caroline. I can't wait to meet my sweet, gorgeous new nephew!!

emily said...

I didn't know Lindsay and Miles came! Calvin is darling. Then and now. :)