Friday, September 10, 2010

An Up-dated Family Picture

Ahhhh, those 40 pounds I have not yet lost since the arrival of #6 are very visible in this picture, but everyone else looks so cute.  I needed to get an up-dated picture with Calvin in it on here, so I'm swallowing my pride and putting this one on.  Yes, even with my quadruple chin showing.  Sigh.  On a hopeful note, I finally bit the bullet and went back to Weight Watchers two Saturdays ago, so maybe by the time we take our annual Christmas Card picture, I'll just be down to 25 lbs overweight and only two chins.


Lew said...

So, so cute! And, you look great! I don't know what you are talking about. I wish I could get up the motivation to do something drastic. *Sigh* Way to go!

bethanne said...

Caroline!!! You are a hoot. Sereiously quadruple chin? Come on now! You look great. Look at that gorgeous family!

emily said...

I love the picture! You all look great in it. :) Isn't it always the moms that have to sacrifice? Like...when my mom got pooped on by a bird as the photographer was posing our family for a pic. So...she has bird poop on her dress - for the sake of a family picture. :)