And now how's about those photos of my kids!!! Have you ever seen such beautiful photography? My cousin, Emily Grow Walton of Barnwood Photography in Oakley, UT (just outside of Park City) took those pictures. Aren't they gorgeous? I have those six photos on my living room wall right now, and every time I see them I just sort of sigh with happiness. You know, I might not parent them perfectly or model for them the perfect reaction to frustrating behavior or do whatever else it is we, as moms, think we should be doing. But somehow by some sort of freak roll of the genetic dice, they turned out to be seriously beautiful children. Now if I could just get them to practice the piano and do their homework...
Seriously, isn't she amazing? Go check out her website at: If you're in UT, I'm sure she could find a way to photograph you and your family. She's amazing with kids and just has a fabulous eye for photography. As her father-in-law put it, she has the perfect balance between knowing the science behind photography (you know, all those acronyms for light, speed, etc.) and understanding the art behind it as well. Plus, she's an all-around wonderful person who will totally make your family feel at ease. Thanks again, Emily. You are the best!!
well, beautiful people make for beautiful photos! :)
GORGEOUS! I need to give that cute gal a call! One of these days I'll get some pics taken. Miss you and see ya soon.
LOVE the pictures!!!
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