The biggest two events of last week were: Cub Scout Day Camp for Miles and the piano recital for Lindsay and Miles. Also, we've now started daily practices for swim team.
Cub Scout Day Camp is always so fun for Miles. It's funny because there's another Mom whose son chose not to go this year. He'd done everything the year before and just thought that it didn't sound like that much fun. I just thought to myself that I don't think I could ever fathom any of my kids (or myself for that matter, let's be honest I know where they get it...) passing up a chance to be with a bunch of kids having fun. I was so glad that this year I was able to go for a day and pal around with Miles, too. He always amazes me at his ability to be sooooo distractable in certain situations, but then still be able to concentrate for 15 minutes straight gluing tiny beads onto a dog tag in the exact replica of an American Flag. Seriously, is this the same guy who can't remember that the empty Cool Whip tub in his hands is supposed to be heading for the recycling bin, because two feet from the kitchen he spotted something that made his mind trail off onto another tangent? Funny kid. It really was great to hang out with him.
The piano recital was a bit of a debaucle. I, well, how can I put this? hmmmm. Well, honestly, I had just been in a very bad mood all day Saturday, we hadn't found a babysitter (they had specifically asked that toddlers not come - although of course when I got there, there were several dotting the audience), and I was afraid that my bad mood (which was totally my problem) would get interpreted by the kids as disappointment in their performances. Anyway, long story short. I found a last-minute babysitter, was able to run down to the performance, and sit by my dear husband for the recital. I, unfortunately, missed Miles' song, but I got to hear Lindsay's. Tim vidoe-taped both of them. I was really proud of both of them. Lindsay really put herself on the line. She was extremely nervous to perform in a recital again, and she did an absolutely great job. Miles, on the other hand, wasn't in the least bit nervous and totally nailed his song, too. I even heard a nice little old lady compliment him on a job well-done at the reception afterwards. So cute. He was tickled.
Anyway, here are some pictures.
Wait, these can't be Cub Scouts...
Ahhhh, here the Cub Scouts are!
Here's MY Cub Scout.
The special guests of the day: the local Police Dept's S.W.A.T team. My personal favorite was the guy whose specialty was "Less-Lethal Force". What is that exactly...
Here they are outside their recital. How cute are they?
And then, some from swim practice. I've got to give them some credit. It has not been a very warm summer yet. I keep joking with my sis that we've swapped Colorado weather for Seattle weather. It's been sunny in Seattle and cold and cloudy here. Brrrrrr.....
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